Tel Aviv / Jerusalem? I love them both…
“Moving from the Old City of Jerusalem to Tel Aviv was like breaking the ancient walls and starting a new life,” says Avigail Sperber. Avigail, a 43-year-old film maker, was born and raised in the Old City, and has fond memories of a nurturing and warm environment. After coming out, that same atmosphere became claustrophobic. “I was the lesbian that everyone was pointing at, and it was very uncomfortable.”
Avigail, together with her two boys, now lives a block away from the Tel Aviv beach, and although she initially enjoyed her newfound anonymity, she has grown to appreciate the closeness of her neighborhood. “It’s like a small kibbutz,” she says, “and the most important thing is, I can be myself!”
“Tel Aviv can use a little more spirituality, and Jerusalem needs more acceptance, but I love them both.”