Bnai Mitzvah

Bat and Bar Mitzvah celebrations. The Da’at way.

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Bnai Mitzvah. Unforgettable milestone.

Celebrating a Bnai Mitzvah is much more than just the ceremony itself. We offer you the opportunity to treat your Bat and Bar Mitzvah children to a coming-of-age adventure-of-a-lifetime in a number of inspiring and powerful Jewish locations, not only in Israel, but in Europe, North Africa and the Indian sub-continent as well. Such Bar and Bat Mitzvah trips, combined with the joy of this Jewish rite of passage, will provide you and your family with an unforgettable milestone in your personal family history.

Jewish connection. Long after the party is over.

Together with you, we will determine how to infuse your family’s values and dreams into the trip and to draw your Bnai Mitzvah into Jewish maturity with a strong connection to Israel, the Jewish people, and with your family. We have a rabbinic liaison and talented educators on staff whose job it is to ensure your experience is educational, inspirational, and spiritual – and leave you with a desire to return and a thirst for more knowledge.

Discover what it means to create a meaningful, content-rich journey.

Father and his bar mitzva son at the westren wall
Bat mitzvah girl in a ceremony
Bnai Mitzvah ceremony
Father and son - Bar Mitzvah
Shma - Bar Mitzvah boy
Bar Mitzvah family photo
Bat Mitzvah trip
Tabbi bless Bar Mitzvah boy
Bar Mitzvah service
Bat Mitzvah Ceremony

Why us. It’s simple.


Your children will remember this experience for the rest of their lives and will gain a love and appreciation for Judaism that will help them understand and identify with their roots and become valuable members of the community.


A North American Bnai Mitzvah is typically a celebration centered around a lavish party. For a much lower cost, you can have Bat or Bar Mitzvah trips for two weeks in Israel that will be more memorable and meaningful to your whole family.


We know how to strike the balance between celebrating a milestone and enjoying a top-class vacation with your family. No need to compromise on either!


Whether you want your ceremony to be in a historic synagogue, ancient site, or on the beachfront with the Mediterranean as your view, we have access to sites that are ordinarily off-limits to independent travelers. Watch your alternative Bat and Bar Mitzvah party ideas come to life.


We pay attention to every aspect of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah planning – big and small – to make sure the execution is smooth and flawless, and you can focus on just enjoying each minute of this important Bar and Bat Mitzvah milestone.


We are sensitive to the fact that families are made up of all different ages, needs, and interests. While the Bnai Mitzvah is clearly the focus of the trip, your Bat and Bar Mitzvah tours will take into account everybody’s needs so everyone gets to enjoy.

Start planning. Let’s connect.

Whether you have a journey in mind, want to join a featured trip, or simply want to explore, drop us a note or give us a call.

We look forward to connecting.